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tv   New Day  CNN  July 4, 2013 3:00am-6:01am PDT

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the year we don't have to remind you of the date. you know exactly what it is because you're on holiday. >> you look beautiful today. >> we look a bit like a flag ourselves. >> we're looking good here. we're looking good for you, obviously. there she is, the most beautiful person in the room, lady liberty in new york harbor, we know that. she's been welcoming visitors to the country since 1886. for the past few days, she's been closed. why? hurricane sandy. but she's open today. we have a lot to bring you including the latest in the george zimmerman trial, people from zimmerman's past coming forward to testify, including an interesting witness, one of his former professors. did they prove he's a wannabe cop looking for a fight. >> we have got to show you this. check out this giant sinkhole that suddenly opened in the middle of a busy ohio street. the driver plummeting 80 feet
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down until rescuers reached her. what a sight and what a fright. >> scary. first, this morning, let's get to breaking news in egypt. this was the scene earlier this morning. an interim president being sworn in, adly mansour. and the former mohamed morsi first democratically elected leader of this country under house arrest. an army chopper flying as the crowd sets off fireworks. >> the sight was amazing. there was also this, rage as morsi supporters rail against what they call a quecoup. the prospect of a civil war for this key u.s. ally very real, a very tense time in egypt. cnn has the story covered like no one else does with reporters in cairo and the white house and christian amanpour with us in new york. first to cairo.
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it still seems loud and still seems busy. how are things looking this morning? >> reporter: kate, in so many ways, it is a new day for egypt and much of this country is loving it. yesterday, mohamed morsi was the president of this country, today under house arrest. egypt has a new president, named adly mansour. he's the head of egypt's top court, sworn in over the past hour, part of a fast moving series of events that saw the abrupt downfall of mohamed mors morsi. this morning, after an explosive turn of events, president mohamed morsi is under house arrest. the military ousted him wednesday night after he refused to meet their deadline to form an interim coalition government and revise the constitution. droves of military convoys flooded the streets of egypt's capital, propelling the nation on a road toward change.
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the general, chief of egypt's armed forces announced adly mansour, the head of egypt's highest court will replace morsi as interim president. while the military coup was met with cheers, across the nile river, supporters of the deposed president chanted down with the military and the square has a million marchers denouncing his ouster. messages sending ripples throughout this country that's already seen death and bloodshed since the huge anti-government protests began this past weekend. behind us in the iconic tahrir square is where we saw a massive party last night, easily more than 100,000 people, probably back here today not celebrating. mohamed morsi and other muslim brotherhood leaders either under house arrest or detained, chris.
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>> stay safe there. the big question, what happens next? back at home, the white house is watching developments in egypt very closely. let's bring in athena jones. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. this is the second time around for this white house. morsi was democratically elected. other officials have been stressing the importance of the democratic process in egypt. the president put out a statement saying he was deeply concerned about the military's decision to oust morsi and to suspend the constitution. he went on to say, i now call on the egyptian military to move quickly and responsibly to return full authority back to a democratically elected civilian government as soon as possible through an inclusive and transparent process and to avoid any arbitrary arrests of
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president morsi and his supporters. of course, we know former president morsi is under house arrest. one of the things that's notable about the statement from the president, he did not call this a military coup. in the instance of a military coup, u.s. law dictates that aid, in this case, aid to the tune of $1.5 billion a year must be cut off. nevertheless, the president said they're reviewing the law on this matter and, of course, they will continue to closely monitor the situation. >> athena jones, thank you very much. difficult situation. such a big ally, kate, not using the word "coup," if this isn't a coup, what is? >> that is a key question we raise with our international correspondent, i think that's the big question. is this a coup or not? >> i have never witnessed something like this where buy a military general comes on television and announces the elected president is out and
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putting his own guy in. in any other country you call it a coup. in egypt, you have what they're calling a popular uprising. you have a coup backed by millions and millions of people. on the anti-morsi side, they are absolutely adamant this is not a coup, this is just the will of the people being implemented. on the pro morsi side they say this was a staged military coup and nothing else to it. the obama administration is bending over backwards right now not to call it a coup because it does have ripple effects with aid. the key is to see how long this interim government stays in. will they move very swiftly to rewrite the constitution. there were problems with the constitution. many egyptians thought it was too islamic based and not free enough for women and other minorities. will they go to elections very very quickly? >> the president's statement, when he did put it out yesterday, was a very lengthy statement, clearly carefully worded. what do you think of the administration's response so
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far? it's obvious, they can do more harm than good it almost seems. they have to be careful and strike a balance. >> in any of thesezations, whatever the administration does is not good enough for anybody. i think the administration has been caught flatfooted both by the hosni mubarak uprising and morsi uprising against these two. i think they're waiting and watching. what happens in egypt is fundamental for u.s. interests. >> that's why this is important for all of us. >> fundamental. huge and important thousand year civ civilization. it is the key to foreign policy in that region. let's not forget it is a reliable of israel. israel had very good cooperation from the morsi government. the u.s. has, too. very good cooperation on foreign policy from the morsi deposit. i think -- morsi government. what's fascinating the arab spring as we see it, this is a turbulent state in the democracies of the arab spring.
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guess who's gloating right now? bashar al assad of syria, this is what you get if you kick us out. >> the question of the usa, the u.s. provided $1.5 billion to egypt every year. the question is, do you -- if it's a coup, by law, we're supposed to reconsider it or stop offering aid. isn't that offer a real risk? isn't egypt too important to stop providing aid? >> that's why you see them bending themselves into knots what to call themselves. the president of the generals said yes, we have laws in this country that govern our aid. we're waiting to see if this is a real coup. americans don't give money to egypt because they're being kind. it's about america's national security. because egypt went into this american broken alliance or other peace deal, camp david with israel this is what forms the base of a lot of that aid.
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also, you cannot afford to have egypt implode. that is one reason why so many people have gone out onto the streets because of the terrible economy there and sense of a state that was failing. it is true the muslim brotherhood failed at governance. but i'm a little worried about a backlash and i'm concerned about what this says about democracy in that region. >> the u.s. completely pulls all aid out, you're taking any u.s. interest, take yourself out of the equation. >> which they don't want to do, shouldn't. >> correct. >> but they need to hold the military to account and make sure they go back to civilian rule asap. >> and 52 back to the difficult place the u.s. is in and that's a balance. >> difficult. they're holding the purse string. pick up the phone, tell your generals. >> do it. >> we'll talk to you throughout the show. thanks so much. long day for christian amanpour. >> the burden of being the best. the burden of being the best.
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>> couldn't have said it better. >> thank god we have you. >> here in america, we're celebrating our independence, that's the best. mother nature already intruding on festivities for many across the country. heavy rain and flooding forecasts have forced some areas to cancel fireworks displays and concerts. we have our man, chad myers checking the weather. >> you just want another man. >> and i won't lie. and he cuts a nice figure. chad myers, nice tie, good man. >> i went shopping for a tie for a couple hours to find this tie. if you just bought the greatest condo in the world at panama city or pensacola, didn't have a good day yesterday. up to 13 inches of rainfall along the coast. will rain in knoxville and atlanta and cleveland. i did not mention it will rain in boston. because it isn't. you will be dry. the hottest day of the week so far. boston, you will approach 103,
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new york city, 99. you put all these people on the island in a city trying to look at fireworks in the heat you have to keep yourselves hydrated today. it's summer, supposed to be hot. where we've been, it's raining everyday. that's not going to happen today. the rain has moved to the west, will rain in boston and through the weekend but not today and columbus and louisiana and it will still stay hot in the west. inch or 2 in philadelphia or pittsburgh and back to west virginia, the big rain from nashville to the gulf coast, 4 inches in top of places they have already seen 10 inches already. this is a wet one for the southeast but a hot one for the northeast. we will be 100 degrees here. it will only feel like 87 if you're in the inside. you walk outside with the humidity, you have an index of 100 degrees in the city. >> be careful on the holiday. good to see you in new york.
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welcome to our home. thank you so much. there's clearly a lot of news developing this hour. let's get straight to mikaela for the latest. >> firefighters making progress against the deadly yarnell fire in arizona. containment at 45%. there are people who refused to evacuate and the heat keeping them from going door-to-door to do checks and the investigation into what led to the death of the 19 firefighters. bolivia's president slamming the u.s. for his unscheduled stop in vienna amid suspicions snowden was on his presidential plane. he was not. after his arrival at home he said the empire and his servants will not be able to scare us and americans need to liberate themselves from the imperial of the americans. sad news of a 6-year-old,
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whose body was found wrapped in a tarp about a mile from where she lived in suburban fort worth. a 14-year-old boy riding his bicycle made the gruesome discovery. investiga investigators are offering a reward for information on her killer. >> damming evidence on aaron hernandez, police searched an apartment he owned and found damning information in the search for odin lloyd and found a matching white sweatshirt the same as he was wearing on surveillance video the night odin died. super storm sandy and fourth of july tradition, the nathan's coney island hot dog eating contest. crews have been working through the night to dismantle part of the 270 foot high astro
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tower swaying lately. officials are hoping to open all of the park today in order to celebrate the full style of fourth of july. >> i have to take you guys there by the way. coney island. you will love it. it is one of the most special places around here. >> let's go! >> i placed third in the hot dog eating contest in 1997. >> you're lying. >> i'm lying right through my big teeth. we have a way to celebrate the fourth of july. one of the country's powerful symbols of freedom. lady liberty re-opening for the first time in months since sandy hit eight months ago. look at that. pamela right next to the statute. how are you doing? >> reporter: i am doing great. it is absolutely gorgeous on liberty island. you see the statute. we open to the public today eight months after hurricane sandra submerge d her island. there will be 15,000 people
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pouring into the island. today, we're told they can come either to the island or pedestal or climb up 377 steps to the crown of the statute of liberty to peer out one of the 25 windows there for spectacular views on the fourth of july. just a little bit of fun facts for you today. we've been doing some research. in case you were wondering, the mouth of the statute of liberty, 3 feet wide, in case you didn't know that. you see the tablet the statute of liberty is holding. turns out the index finger, 8 feet long. chris, michaela and kate, how long do you think the tablet is the statute is holding? i will check back 20 minutes from now and i want you guys to guess how long do you think the statute of liberty's tablet is. put you to the test. >> testing us so early on a
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holiday, how dare you! >> we know the index finger is 8 feet long. there's our marker. everyone at home, start thinking about it. no way i'm making a guess at this point. we'll ponder it. >> no google searchers. >> cuomo is a cheater so i can't promise you. >> that cuts deep. >> did that sting? >> that cuts deep. >> trying to do some math here. >> she has a log go rhythm going on over there. with that, we'll be back in a few minutes. coming up on "new day," did prosecutors score at the zimmerman trial, raising questions about zimmerman's past and his state of mind that night he shot trayvon martin. plus, a lurking menace in the water coming after a boat. you never know when they will come after you, caught on camera. mine was earned in djibouti, africa. 2004.
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vietnam in 1972. [ all ] fort benning, georgia in 1999. [ male announcer ] usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because it offers a superior level of protection and because usaa's commitment to serve military members, veterans, and their families is without equal. begin your legacy, get an auto insurance quote. usaa. we know what it means to serve.
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[ male announcer ] this summer, savor every second of vacation. but get your own cookie. enjoy a fresh-baked chocolate chip cookie at check-in and more, with rates as low as $99 per night at a doubletree. book now at
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what you want to do is-- have you already enrolled? you're doing fine. what did that just do? select what? select the drop-down menu. it looks like you're already enrolled. oh, ok. oh. example here. so... don't panic. you're ready to make your payment. "submit." there it is. oh, my god! i really can't believe it. that's awesome. good for you. ha ha! welcome back to "new day," everybody. happy fourth of july. we're talking about the george zimmerman trial.
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it is under way. we know that today. holiday recess. tomorrow, we'll have more testimony. there were some big important moments wednesday to tell you about. the jury heard from an expert who said he didn't find any trace of trayvon martin's dna on george zimmerman's gun. what does that mean? another witness says zimmerman studied florida's stand your ground law. george howell has more. >> reporter: the day started with a parade of witnesses from george zimmerman's past from professors who taught him about criminal justice. >> you see george over here? >> how you doing, george? >> reporter: to a representative from the police department that rejected his application to be a police officer. >> mr. zimmerman had a problem with his credit? >> yes, sir. >> that would be a reason why you wouldn't be accepted as a police officer? >> that's the reason why we did not consider him further, based on that record, yes, sir. >> reporter: zimmerman's past could haunt him if jurors are swayed by the picture
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prosecutors are trying to paint. a wannabe cop who went too far and then less than forthcoming about how well he knew the law on national tv. >> prior to this night, this incident, had you even heard stand your ground? you had never heard about it before? >> reporter: captain alexis francisco carter said part of the course he taught had practical defense laws like florida's stand your ground and zimmerman aced the class. >> he was probably one of the better students in the class. >> reporter: zimmerman's defense team argued his past training and exhibitions had no relevance to this case. and education had no relevance to this case. next, they called a firearms expert. siewert testified through tests on martin's clothes it was a contact shot that killed him. >> it is consistent with a
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firearm touching the outer sweatshirt and inner sweatshirt being in direct contact with the outer one. >> reporter: the final witness, anthony gorgone, the crime analyst who examined dna samples on the evidence in the case. attorneys focused on the question of whose dna was found on zimmerman's gun. >> you were able to exclude trayvon martin as having dna on the pist stall grip, is that corre correct? >> yes. trayvon martin was excluded to being a possibility mick secure on the grip. >> reporter: court resumes friday when we hear from trayvon martin's family to testify about who was screaming on the 911 audiotape. the state is then expected to rest it's case and then the defense will start calling it's witnesses. george howell, cnn, sanford, florida. >> obviously, having the family there will be very emotional, remind everyone about this young man who was defenseless, had no
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weapon and lost his life. >> what did you think about that inconsistency they pointed out from george zimmerman, when he did the interview and said he had not heard of stand your ground laws and show his professor saying they talked about that had literature for it in the class. >> the upside for the prosecution, you're a liar. in latin they have an expression, if you lie about one thing that matters we can assume you're lying about everything. what it probably -- what their gamble is will this mean to the jury, wow, he did know what it was, he went there ready that night. he had a plan. if he had a plan to do something like this. he had an evil plan. >> that jump -- >> then it goes to murder. that was the gamble there. whether it paid off, you don't know what's in the mind of the jurors. >> and eager to see where the defense goes. that part of the trial is shorter than the state's case. we'll watch it with you. coming up on "new day," you don't need a sign to tell you this. do not pet the shark, people!
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there's some knowledge for you on independence day. we'll tell you what happened when fishermen came face to face with a great white in australia. good picture for you, a car swallowed whole when a sinkhole opens up in toledo, ohio. we'll show you the incredible rescue as well. [ male announcer ] some things are designed to draw crowds. ♪ ♪ others are designed to leave them behind. ♪ the all-new 2014 lexus is. it's your move. what are you guys doing? having some fiber! with new phillips' fiber good gummies. they're fruity delicious! just two gummies have 4 grams of fiber! to help support regularity! i want some... [ woman ] hop on over!
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welcome back to "new day," everybody. it is john cougar mellencamp. >> indiana. >> it is? >> i think. hope i didn't make that up. >> it is the fourth of july. >> i'm chris cuomo. >> i'm kate bolduan. >> and we begin with michaela pereira. >> egypt has a new president named adly mansour, the country's new leader sworn in a couple years ago. he was the head of egypt's
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supreme constitutional court all of two days before assuming the presidency. military coup toppled mohamed morsi, the country's first democrat democratically elected president and suspended the constitution. morsi is now under house arrest. senator john mccain is in afghanist afghanistan, arriving overnight in kabul for an unannounced visit and expected to speak with troops. it comes as the u.s. is preparing to drawdown forces in afghanistan. colorado's senator, who went hiking in the mountains is dead. they discovered his body wednesday. in his statement, they expressed their gratitude and said he apparently died of natural causes doing what he loved, hiking his favorite mountain range. we're looking into a bomb threat met by fbi agents and bomb squad when it landed
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wednesday afternoon in charlotte. they questioned the passenger and no charges will be filed against him. it was headed to chicago. passengers were rescreened and then booked on to other flights. finally, like a scene out of the movie, jaws, a couple fi fishermen had quite the run-in with a great white. it happened off the coast of all. for some reason they thought it would be a good idea to pet the shark. bad idea, guys. apparently he didn't like that since he decided to take a bite out of your boat. gnawed on it. >> look at the scars on his face. just amazing, right? >> they really are. >> yes. a little bit of sports news, boston celtics search for a new coach, not anybody. the team hired butler's brad stevens. we'll bring in andy.
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happy fourth of july to you. >> happy fourth of july to you. this was a pretty quiet one. no one really knew who they were looking at until they announced it yesterday and shocked everyone. butler has no nba experience and considered one of the most upcoming and brightest coaches after leading butler in 2010 and 2011. he was offered multiple jobs and declined all of them but the chance to coach the celtics was too good to be passed up and signed a contract worth $22 milli million. he will be announced tomorrow. and the rookie of the month and player of the month announced in the afternoon, yasiel puig, bruised his left hip on the play and had to leave the game and now considered day-to-day. could we see many being many
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in the big leagues. he will report today. manny's been out of the majors since 2011 when he chose to retire while facing a 100 game suspension for a failed performance enhancing drug test. he stayed busy most recently playing in the chinese baseball professional league. it will be interesting to see if he ends up coming back. >> what will this do to his career? will he still face a suspension? >> the suspension is pretty much gone because he signed with the as in the minors and ate up the suspension and he has a chance in the minors and they will see if they give him a shot in the big leagues. >> failed test, does that mean he wound up with no drugs in his system because everybody is using them now? the fate of that game we just don't get it. thanks very much. enjoy your holiday. thanks for being in here. >> great to see you. speaking of the fourth,
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let's get back to pamela brown live at the statute of liberty, open for the first time since hurricane sandy. pamela, what's going on? >> reporter: 15,000 people expected to pour in here today, kate, to see the statute of liberty. up close and personal. it's been eight months since hurricane sandy hit. i want to get the answer to the trivia from my last question, guy, i know you hat 15 minutes to think about it. the length of the tablet, how many feet long is the tablet. answers? >> i think there was google searching going on? i didn't. >> reporter: cheaters. >> i will say it's 550 feet long. >> that's insane. >> i will go with chris. >> 86. >> reporter: how many? >> 86. >> i'll go low end, like price is right. i'll do 15. >> reporter: all right, kate, looks like you're the klocloses
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23 feet long. chris, you're way off. >> what! >> reporter: i don't know what that was about. if you were listening to what i was saying about 15 minutes ago, how many windows are in the crown of lady liberty? that's trivia question for you. i'll be back in about 15 minutes from now. >> all right, everyone, start thinking, how many windows you think pamela will answer, we'll get it wrong as usual. thank you so much. coming up next on "new day," an exclusive interview with president george w. bush. robin goes one-on-one with the former president and former first lady during his visit to africa. we love dolphins undeniably leaping from the ocean with the greatest rof ease. even the best routine can go wrong. you can see it here on "new day," a must see.
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welcome back to "new day," everybody. happy fourth of july. we're happy to be here with you. we're talking about president george w. bush slowly returning to the news after five years out of the white house. he recently went to africa working with health care programs he started when he was in office. cnn sat down with an exclusive interview with the president in
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zambia. take a listen. >> the needs are still there but the responsibility isn't. >> reporter: the president says he doesn't miss presidential life. in rural africa, fixing up this simple clinic. this is really good for you? >> it's good for my soul. first of all, i come from a privileged land, a land of plenty. when we come to a place where there's deprivation and see such joy, it's a reminder the human condition can be full of great spirit. >> reporter: for five years he said he made a conscious effort to stay out of the limelight. few speeches, and no criticism of this is successor. >> it's very difficult. a former president doesn't need to make it harder. other presidents have taken different decisions. that's mine. >> reporter: slowly he's
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emerging, bringing attention to women's health issues a continent away. >> we did one of these last year and there are a lot of women who came, a lot. >> for the opening. >> very special. they kept coming. >> reporter: it wasn't that just one day the ribbons are cut? >> one local guy said, president bush and mrs. bush, make sure you show up. there's a need. >> reporter: president bush says when he's at home in texas, he spends much of his time painting portraits and landscapes. they are pretty good. >> thank you. when you paint by numbers, it's not that hard. >> reporter: here in zambia, it's the clinic walls getting a fresh coat. in way, it is a quite spiritual, isn't it? when you know such good work is done in this tiny building. >> what we did was a mission of mercy but it's not our mercy. when you said spiritual, i agree with you. our motivation is to help save lives. >> reporter: his current project
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builds on a presidential program that provided anti-aids drugs to millions of people, mostly in africa. >> there needed to be impatience, thousands were in need. i guess i'm an impatient guy. >> reporter: now a volunteer with steely eye'd focus as he tries to find meaning away from the oval office. zambia. >> have to respect that. thank you, robin. you have to respect the president being so hands on, showing the best abroad. >> his legacy in africa he put in place is an important part of what he did. he's so loved in africa because of what he did, especially money towards fighting aids. that program has been amazing, what it's done. coming up on "new day," some video you have to see to
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believe. dolphins lof dolphins, usually graceful majestic creatures, not always. nice job with the pause button. we're at walmart with mikel-claire. so you check all the weekly ads to get the best sale prices? i do! do you think you can get the same great prices all in one place with walmart's low price guarantee? let's see. ok. every bbq's got to have... chips! walmart's always working to lower costs so you get more savings. hot dogs! you're going to knock it out of the park. you found a lower advertised price but walmart will match that right at the register. that's cool! you don't even need the ad with you! ready? wow! that's the walmart low price guarantee backed by ad match. save time and money this july 4th, bring in ads from your local stores and see for yourself.
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[ male announcer ] a family that vacations together, sunscreens together. find a hilton everywhere you want to go with rates as low as $109 per night. book now at i had the same tic tac in my mouth since the show started. >> i know.
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impressive. >> what do you think the dolphin on the bottom says to the dolphin on the top. >> so inpreept.
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learning how to do a spiral? >> very well done. >> that was a must see video. this one is the one from the web. are you ready? we saw shark as while ago. time for dolphins. graceful, beautiful. not so much. they are in sanibel, florida. wait for it. you can hear the woman on the boat saying she never saw anything like this. this is an older video since 2009. it is still going viral. kate, i feel like if you and i were dolphins, that would be us. >> i have a theory, i think that was intentional, like a trick move, like a boost. >> again, he did it on populrpo. come on, come on, let it sink in. >> we hear it. we feel you. >> i think he's giving him a boost, like a turbo boost. >> i thought he was like, i'm trying to get you out of my way.
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>> no. >> it's a team sport. >> he did it on porpoise? you will stick with that? >> i love it. >> it didn't work the first time. >> you want to say it one more time? >> he did it on porpoise. it's an extra special time in new york. here's why. back in business, pamela has been hanging out with lady liberty all morning, pamela, you did it on porpoise. >> reporter: that's right. i'm one of the first visitors. it's been closed since hurricane sandy and people are expected on the first ferry. we will be live in a couple hours from now. i asked you how many windows are in the crown. chris, i will save you the embarrassment because i think you would have an absurd answer so i will give you the answer. 25 windows. >> 25. she said it. >> reporter: you were paying
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attention. love that. 25 windows. >> that's what happens with live tv. >> that's right. >> just down the road a piece, too. >> and we go to black on you. >> she was so shocked you got it right, everything fell apart. >> that's exactly right. it destroyed television. >> we'll get back with pamela. a lot going on this fourth of july holiday, a new interim president is sworn in as the world reacts to a government takeover by the egyptian military. are they on the brink of an all-out civil war? we're following this very very closely. we'll bring you live team coverage from cairo to washington. we'll be right back. [ jackie ] it's just so frustrating...
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but for all these symptoms, you also take kaopectate. new kaopectate caplets -- soothing relief for all those symptoms.
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kaopectate. one and done. according to a survey conducted the best city in the united states is l.a. i don't think l.a. is the best place to be on the fourth of july. you can't see the fireworks through the smog if there is smog and there are vegans waiting everywhere just waiting for you to turn your back so they can throw weird blocks of to f tofu on your grill. >> my friend is a vegetarian. might have a rib today, i predict it. slippery slope, started with baco bacon. >> my friend is a vegetarian, first pregnancy, baby wanted ribs. started eating meat again. got to listen to the baby. we're kicking off 30 minutes of commercial-free news now. let's start with our political gut check. all the stories you need to know coming out of washington.
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firstoff, senator marco rubio, his new issue, he's possibly getting behind pushing a strict new abortion bill, a bill banning putting further restrictions -- >> get it out! >> i will get there at some point. cnn is here to break it down and hopefully get the words out of my mouth. marco rubio considering taking on this definitely a wedge and controversial issue, back in the headlines, these bills putting further restrictions on abortions. why do you think marco rubio is taking this on? does this have to do with bolstering conservative credentials? >> that's when you look at it, kate, really one of the only reasons he could be doing this, because he really got dinged pretty seriously trying to push or succeeding at least in pushing comprehensive immigration reform through the senate. he kind of got hurt on his right flank here. the reason you look at this and say, why is he doing this? democrats control the senate. this isn't a bill that will be hitting the floor, an aide to
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senate majority leader harry reid has made that clear. if he does run for president, he needs to garner those credentials and this might help. >> happy to have you with us. one reason he may be doing this is the country is doing this, right? we have seen 13 states have these laws and a lot come into effect in july. anybody in d.c. talking about how this really isn't about politics, it's about the laws. these laws limiting the time when you can have an abortion are playing on the idea when life begins. any kind of murmur about the larger constitutional issue that may come up here? >> i think when you look at the states, you're definitely right on that. what you've seen is sort of a shift to the right in state legislatures. a lot of these laws that place restrictions on providers and on people who are seeking abortions are very successful there. part of that is because you're seeing the representatives elected by people in their states are going in that
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direction at a time you're seeing this tactic of kind of anti-abortion activists pushing these restricted. when it comes to the federal level even though we saw something passed in the house when talking about the senate democratically controlled, i think a lot of people looking at this are seeing it more of a signal from marco rubio, because this is such a big issue, no doubt it will play coming up in the mid-term elections certainly and in 2016. >> let's talk more about congress. there's a new report out from kind of the official scorekeeper for congress, the congressional budget office says the senate's immigration law the senate pushed through it would block 50% more from entering the united states. that must be helpful. the question is always the house and house republicans, do you think that little tidbit will
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put to rest house republicans concer concerns? >> reporter: oh, no no no. i certainly don't think so. kate, you looked at this, you covered congress. there are some folks, some republicans and some moderates and some certainly voters who will look at this and say, okay, this makes the bill better in my estimation, because it's going to restrict more undocumented immigrants from coming in. there's a lot of people on the right that sure as the sun rises will get them to vote for this - bill. this certainly isn't going to do it. you look at this number and certainly it increases the number of undocumented immigrants that would be blocked. it also says it would take years to kick in. if they're looking for a reason to vote against it, plenty of reasons they can find. >> such a problem on this issue. >> sure. >> this guise of compromise to find a way to get in the middle. how is there a middle when half believe reform is helping people
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become part of america, assimilating and the other half believes, at least half, no, it's not, it's about keeping out as many people as possible. where is the compromise here? >> here is the weird thing, only in washington where everything is completely sort of alien. you have some republicans, i would say, who they may not support the bill, right? but they may not give other republicans or house speaker john boehner a ton of guff for putting this bill forward. so that, in way, is this weird middle ground that i know that to people who live in the real world might seem kind of strange. >> all right, brianna. thanks so much. talk to you soon. they always use that word and only use it in washington, offering political cover so people can vote for something. one word that isn't used anywhere but washington. >> political cover. >> hear that? >> yes. >> it's our "rock the block."
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>> turns out snail mail is not as private as you thought. the u.s. postal service logging all mail for law enforcement. and now on display at the boston athletic museum, 1700 runners carried the baton from los angeles to boston in three weeks. finally, from the "seattle caps," the liquor control board looking at washington pot growers in washington state, among them, allowing pot farmers to plant fields outdoors. >> interesting. there you go. >> a proposal. >> interesting because it's about pot. we will bring in zane asher, making her debut on business news. >> great to have you. >> the political drama on oil prices up $100 a barrel. egypt controls the pipeline that moves about 4 million barrels a
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day. martha stewart getting a pay cut $200,000 reduction in her base salary and $300,000 trim in her perks package to $1.7 million. the new ceo of zynga known for farm bill will earn a cool $50 million. his multi-year deal includes a big bonus if he can do for zynga what he did for microsoft xbox. >> that is quite a package. let's go straight to chad myers at the weather center for what you need to know. >> this is new york city. those are the muggies, the multiple in the air. heat index, 100 degrees. boston, new york city today. it will be hot across the east and northeast. we're not talking about rain today because we had it for weeks. to the east and southeast. 3-5 inches of rain in places that want to shoot off fireworks. guys, i don't think so. >> thanks so much. we are at the top of the hour.
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it is time for the top news. we're on the side of the egyptian people. we want their stroivoices to be heard. >> crisis in cairo. a new military takeover. we are there with what it means. a sinkhole opens up swallowing this car whole. the driver stuck inside and her dramatic rescue. welcome back, lady liberty. >> we're live at liberty island as the statute opens for the first time since hurricane sandy. >> your "new day" starts right no now. >> what you need to know. >> women fantasize that he isn't capable of murder because he's so handsome. >> what you have to see. >> there is nothing wrong with
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thi this. >> this is a problem. >> this is "new day" wit chris cuomo, kate bolduan, and michaela pereira. >> good morning. welcome back to "new day." thursday, the fourth of july, celebrating what makes us great our independence and interdependence. i'm chris cuomo. >> in the middle of commercial-free news. i'm kate bolduan. and michaela pereira. >> happy fourth of july. >> the statute of liberty opening today. you're looking at her life here, has been closed since super storm sandy, and that's not the only sandy victim bouncing back. coney island with the hot dog eating contest. we will take you there live. not a fourth without it. and we will cover it. this woman said she was booted from the bathing park because of
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her bathing suit. is it too revealing? you be the judge. we will be live from london where preparations in london are in full throttle for the arrival of the new prince or princess. first, this morning, the breaking news out of egypt, an interim president sworn in hours ago, adly mansour, put in power by the egyptian military this as the nation's first democratically elected president, mohamed morsi remains under house arrest. this was how it look last night. thousands in tahrir square erupting in celebration when it was announced mohamed morsi had been deposed. supporters are calling this a coup but the military and protesters are not. >> we're covering this breaking story as only cnn can from egypt to here in new york with fareed zacharyia. let's start with reza sayah,
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who's been in the middle of it in cairo. what's the latest? >> reporter: we were talking mohamed morsi was the president of egypt. today, egypt has a new president and many say a new revolution and a lot has changed. egypt's new president is adly mansour, sworn in over the last couple of hours. his swearing in part of a fast series of events that saw the abrupt downfall of mohamed morsi. this morning, after an explosive turn of events, former president mohamed morsi is under house arrest. the military ousted him wednesday night after he refused to meet their deadline to form an inter rim coalition governme and revise the constitution. droves of military convoys flooded the streets of egypt's capital, propelling the nation on a road toward change. the general abdel fatah el sisi
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announced adly mansour, head of egypt's highest court will replace morsi as interim president. while the military was met with cheers in tahrir square, across, they chanted down with the military and the square had a million marches denouncing is ouster, messages sending ripples throughout this country that's already seen death and bloodshed since the huge anti-government protests began this past weekend. back live here overlooking cairo's iconic tahrir square where hundreds of thousands of people were rocking last night in a party that lasted through the wee hours of the morning, they'll probably be back here partying today. not partying, former president mohamed morsi, under house arrest, state media reporting it's for precautionary measures
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and other muslim brotherhood members, still not clear why they have been arrested. >> it is hard to overstate just how critical egypt is to the united states. as you probably well know it is a long time key u.s. ally. right now, egypt gets about $1.5 billion from the u.s. in aid every year, nearly 1.3 of that, going to the military. why, you may ask? take a look. 85 million people in egypt. it is the largest arab country. it's location makes it incredibly strategic for the u.s. both politically and economically. first, let's talk about the politics. egypt is in an essential location in -- an essential to middle east stability. it shares a border with israel, of course and it one of only a few middle eastern countries to hold a peace agreement with that country. egypt also controls the suez
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canal, a vital area for warships in the region. and oil, all you need to know. key to the global oil supplies. it produces little oil itself but controls the suez canal a vital pipeline that moves about 4 million barrels of oil everyday. unrest in egypt could affect the entire region which produces one-third of the world's oil. we saw these ripples of those concerns already wednesday as u.s. oil prices spiked to over $100 a barrel, the highest in 14 months. just a couple examples how critical egypt is to the u.s. chris. >> kate, thank you very much. a lot to discuss here. let's bring in faried zakaria. let's set the table here. what is the good and bad in this situati
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situation? >> the bad is clear. this is a coup. i had a friend who said it is a coup and any who thinks otherwise is cuckoo. you have a democratically elected president for the first time ever. the other bad thing is these islamic parties often wondered whether they should be in favor of democracy and come out of a theocratic background and wonder should we kcome into this westen idea of democracy? to have them ousted with a coup might suggest to them, there's no point playing this game, you might as well go for the stuff al qaeda tells you to do. >> might makes right. >> might makes right, western liberal democracy ain't for you. the good of this is there are two forces here, one is the forces for democracy, which has taken a blow. the question is what will happen with liberty, individual rights, protection of minority. this president, morsi, was
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terrible an these issues, particularly on christian, women's rights, separation of powers. he tried to rule by presidential decree. the good could be while we had a temporary set back for democracy, ultimately, it's good for liberty. let's remember, fourth of july, the american revolution and constitution have always been about both. the founders never described this as a democracy, they always talked about it as a republic, because they believed the more important goal was the preservation of individual liberty. >> that's right. they always said life meant freedom. liberty and pursuit of happiness on the individual level. very important. your friend mocked the president of the united states by saying your cuckoo if you think it's a coup. he doesn't think it's a coup. he thinks it's something other than a coup. that's why the statement from the president was so carefully parsed. what does that mean by those who watch us internationally? >> i think he was trying to
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thread a needle. if he calls it a coup, immediately, u.s. aid has to be cut off because the legislation is pretty clear and so they're buying theirselves some time. if you looked at that photograph of the people in the "situation room," you notice right next to susan rice, the national security advisor there was eric holder the attorney general. he's not always at those kind of meetings. my guess is they needed a lawyer to tell them exactly how to parse this. >> the loophole is the military is not in control. while they seized control, didn't keep control, gave it to adly mansour, a judge and what do we know about him as to why he's an improvement. >> he's probably a figure head, let's be honest. not sure he can make decisions. he's a judge from 20 years ago. mubarak started to pack the court with his political loyalists only more recently but a pretty independent bureaucrat. at the end of the day, that
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said, the army is in control. >> last question, does it get worse before it gets better? >> i think there's a distinct possibility. here's the issue we haven't yet seen. the muslim brotherhood has not gone home. they have not accepted this. they are not moving quietly back into their homes. they are the largest organized political force in egypt. about 30% of the country votes for them. they have people on the ground. there's going to be pushback from them and how the army deals with that is going to be the next great struggle in egypt. >> the military has been very clear, don't do anything the wrong way or we will come strong and fast. pleasure to have you on the show. we're keeping an eye on weather here at home. it's too hot in some places and others, too wet. heavy weather is forcing some communities to cancel celebrations and modify in others. chad myers has a look at what you can expect this holiday.
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>> hot in the northeast, raining across the gulf coast. pretty big waves in the gulf of mexico today. 7 feet. that may not seem that big but in the gulf of mexico, a big wave. rip currents and raining in peachtree, atlanta right now but the east coast is dry. it stays dry all day. what has happened all week, conveyor belt of moisture raining from boston to new york all the way to georgia, that conveyor belt moved off to the west and it will rain from new orleans to indiana and ohio and it's just going to get hotter. it will feel like summer for the first time in a long time in the northeast. it will be wet to the west. i get it. an inch or two of rain. these are areas that already picked up 5 or 6 inches of rainfall. one spot across deep south florida, along the gulfcoast, inland beach picked up 13 inches of rainfall. in one day, 13 inches of rain. it will still rain today. we could pick up another 5 inches of rainfall and will cause more flooding. >> i would say so.
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thank you so much. >> happy fourth. just in time for independence day, the statute of liberty is back. the lady of the harbor was locked down last october as super storm sandy approached. it got hit. 75% of that island was submerged. i don't know if you knew that. it's been off limits ever since. lady liberty, ready to ring in the fourth. cnn's pam pla brown is live this morning. how is it there? >> reporter: great. a gorgeous day. mother nature is cooperating so far on independence day. eight months after super storm sandy hammered the island, back ready for business and 15,000 people expected to arrive here today. lady liberty is once again ready to face the mass, for a closer look at one of america's most iconic figures. >> a big thing in new york and the one thing we were most
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forward-looking to see. >> it lit the way to have a better life and important for my children to see and experience and understand that. >> reporter: the hurricane forced lady liberty's closing just a day after her 126th anniversary. while the statute herself remained unscathed storm surge took more than one-fourth of liberty island leaving docks destroy and debris everywhere. adding insult to injury, the statute had just reopened a day before the storm after a year of renovations. cnn got rare access inside for the re-opening all the way to her crown. the track up a steep 377 step narrow spiral staircase leads to spectacular views high above new york's harbor. the 30 five-foot tall statute was a gift from france symbolizing the friendship between the two countries and their shared love of liberty, dedicated in 1886 after ten years of construction, more than 3.5 million people worldwide flock here every year.
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park officials worked around the clock to make sure the island reopened just in time for this independence day. >> coming here and seeing visitors from all over the world standing out in front with tears in their eyes or excitement because she's not only our statute of liberty, she's the world's statute of liberty. >> reporter: even though liberty island is re-opening today, it's still a work in progress, still under construction. ellis island is closed and closed for the foreseeable future. we are told tickets for today are sold out. 15,000 people expected to arrive on the island and the first ferry will arrive in just about an hour and half from now. kate. >> all right, pamela. thank you so much. from the statute of liberty to another classic american icon, coming back from super storm sandy. new york's coney island, where many of the rides are up and running, music to many people's ears. there are concerns about the safety of one of the attractions
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there. live in coney island this morning, hi, jason, what's the latest. >> reporter: hey, good morning, kate. look at this. called the astro tower, earlier this week swaying 18 inches. as a result, they had to shut the area around the park. you see workers trying to remove sections of it to get it stabilized. big disappointment to vendors who had just gotten back on their feet following hurricane sandy. >> reporter: coney island, a sight of contrast, then and now. here's what it looked like after spou super storm sandy flooded it last october. bumper cars buried in sand. arcade games under water and the nearly sent trip old wonder wheel in jeopardy. >> reporter: was there any point you feared you might lose the wonder wheel? >> it did. >> reporter: dennis and others who own the ride took us for a ride on the wheel now
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refurbished. >> the salt got into the electrical relays, switches, circuit breakers, all went in the garbage. >> as we get up here, i don't know how comfortable i am talking about all the things you had to fix. >> reporter: coney island's business owners say they can laugh a little bit more because some say business is back. >> it's like a mini miracle in our time. >> reporter: do you think the people will get the message to come out here on the fourth? >> they're already coming down here. >> reporter: drive down shore to seaside heights, new jersey, signs of destruction very apparent. still a work in progress, is that what you would call it? >> that's correct. >> reporter: seaside's mayor says work is still under way on the boardwalk's $9 million renovation. the roller coaster long gone but the boardwalk is open for business. the biggest challenge -- >> getting the message to people. >> reporter: new jersey's governor getting the word out. >> get down here over the fourth of july weekend to support the
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businesses. >> reporter: welcome news to steve, who owns lucky william's arcade. >> we're back and ready. >> reporter: they're not so ready at coney island. again, because of the work on the tower, you won't have things like the world's famous wonder wheel open, also closed and cyclone closed as well. there are other sections of the park that are open. that world famous hot dog eating contest they have at nathan's, that's still going on. the beach is open and available for people to come out. business owners are hoping people get the message not just at coney island but at the south shore as well. kate, chris. >> thank you so much, jason. i have a strange feeling jason carroll will not be taking part in that hot dog eating contest. >> he's like, why are you guys
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talking about me? >> there's a lot of news to talk about. >> the headlines in arizona, they are slowly getting the upper hand, the yarnell hills fire is at 45% containment and a memorial held for the firefighters. the flag will be held half-staff for 19 day, each day for each man lost. and the marathon bombs, remember, investigators say they originally planned the attack on independence day. organizers are expecting 5 to 6,000 people to attend the concert and fireworks show. ar nie rrkarniece writtenbe
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killed and four others injured when a tree fell on the camp. enlisting johnson's 9-year-old nephew to steal a purse from the restaurant's counter. you can see them entering and leaving on the surveillance camera. police say the boy was an unwitting accomplice in this crime. a missouri woman said she got kicked out of the water park because of what she was wearing. workers said they didn't like the way she looked in her bikini. she said it's not fair. >> 16, 18-year-old girls wearing just the same amount. no one's criticizing them or making them feel ashamed or uncomfortable in their bodies. it's summertime, a swimming pool, i'm wearing a swim iming suit. >> she recently lost 100 pounds and feeling a newfound confidence with her slimmed down body and since filed a complaint against the water park. >> not about taste, it will come down to the law.
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>> exactly. >> whether or not it was discriminatory, what did they keep out in other people versus the decision they made with her. >> what's so unusual about it obviously is the fact what you're wearing in a water park is questioned at the moment. >> d.c. police, beware. >> exactly. coming up on new day, evidence george zimmerman was all too familiar with florida's stand your ground law. what does that mean? it goes to the prosecution's case he knew what he was doing the night trayvon martin was killed. we'll take you through it. a very very special -- what is happening in our studio, a very special visit from lady liberty herself. she walked all the way over here on liberty island and she has a reason to celebrate this fourth of july. >> . >> finally, the reason we built the staircase at the studio. i'm here at my house on thanksgiving day, and i have a massive heart attack right in my driveway. the doctor put me on a bayer aspirin regimen. [ male announcer ] be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
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go talk to your doctor. you're not indestructible anymore. go talk to your doctor. we're at walmart with mikel-claire. so you check all the weekly ads to get the best sale prices? i do! do you think you can get the same great prices all in one place with walmart's low price guarantee? let's see. ok. every bbq's got to have... chips! walmart's always working to lower costs so you get more savings. hot dogs! you're going to knock it out of the park. you found a lower advertised price but walmart will match that right at the register. that's cool! you don't even need the ad with you! ready? wow! that's the walmart low price guarantee backed by ad match. save time and money this july 4th, bring in ads from your local stores and see for yourself.
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welcome back to "new day," happy fourth of july. we're talking about george zimmerman's trial. the prosecution could be close to closing it's case. the question is how much zimmerman might have known about florida's stand your ground law.
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george howell breaks it down. >> reporter: the day started with a parade of witnesses from george zimmerman's past, from the professors who taught him about criminal justice. >> you see george over here? >> how you doing, george? >> reporter: to a representative from a virginia police department that rejected his application to be a police officer. >> mr. zimmerman had a problem with his credit? >> yes, sir. >> that would be a reason why you wouldn't be accepted as a police officer? >> that's the reason why we did not consider him further, based on that record, yes, sir. >> reporter: zimmerman's past could haunt him if jurors are swayed by the picture prosecutors are trying to paint, a wannabe cop who went too far. then, less than forthcoming about how well he knew the law on national tv. >> prior to this night, this incident, had you even heard stand your ground, sir? you never heard about it before? >> no. >> reporter: captain alexis francisco carter told the court
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part of the lesson he taught was practical defense law with a special focus on florida laws like stand your ground and zimmerman aced the class. >> he was probably one of the better students in the class. >> reporter: zimmerman's defense team argued his past training and education had no relevance to this case. next, prosecutors called amy siewert, a firearms expert with te florida darmt epartment of l enforceme enforcement. she said she was able to determine it was a contact shot that killed him. >> it was consistent with the firearm touching the outer sweatshirt and inner sweatshirt being in direct contact with the outer one, yes. >> reporter: the final witness, anthony gorgone, a crime lab analyst who examined dna evidence in this case and questioned whose dna was found on zimmerman's gun. >> you were able to exclude
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trayvon martin as having dna on the pistol grip, is that correct? >> yes. trayvon martin was excluded as being a possible contributor to this mixture on the grip. >> reporter: court resumes friday, when we are likely to hear from a member of trayvon martin's family, testifying who was screaming on that 911 audiotape. the state is then expected to rest it's case and then the defense will start calling it's witnesses. george howell, cnn, sanford, florida. >> thanks, george. let's break down why this was the prosecution's best and perhaps final push towards making this a second degree murder case. credibility was on trial yesterday. straight a student. you heard george talking about how george zimmerman took a course, talked about stand your ground and he did very well. what does that mean? he knew what the law was. first of all, that means he was a liar. that would be the prosecution's point and told sean hannity, our friend at fox news, he didn't
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know about it. maybe it means he prepared for it and why his gun was loaded with a bullet in the chamber and what the prosecution will argue, this was not just an accident. what did the defense say? remember this, the same professor talked about george zimmerman getting an a said self-defense law only requires fear of harm was in your head. very interesting. that was a counter point. which one did the jury weigh more? we don't know. george zimmerman is going to say when trcayvon martin grabbed fo his gun, everything changed and why he wound up shooting him. no dna on the gun? does that mean he couldn't have been grabbing the gun? where are we? we will figure it out with danny, grade a defense attorney. thank you very much for stepping up on the fourth of july. i appreciate it. you're a great lawyer and great american. you're up against a real dufus
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today, in me on the prosecution side. we will do i'll say-you say. i'll say from the prosecution's perspective, you say from the defense. you good with that? >> i'm good with that. let's play. >> i say zimmerman got an a in class that taught florida's stand your ground law. okay? the professor says there's no chance he didn't know about it. that means you knew what was going on that night. that means that's why your gun was loaded and had a bullet in the chamber. that means when you approached trayvon martin, you knew how you could get away with this, which means you had a plan. if you had a plan, it was an evil plan. if you had evil in your intentions, that makes you a second degree murderer. you say -- >> i say, when did we start proving that defendants are liars because they're straight a students in law enforcement classes? that seems a little -- we're in a very interesting moment here that the prosecution is actually attempting to prove that zimmerman is a liar because he was a good student and he was a student in law enforcement. let's take a step back.
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i say that even if you believe now that zimmerman is less than credible, then you may disbelieve hisself defense. if you disbelieve hisself defense that does not take away the state's burden. they still must prove depraved murder and must make their showing of malice, he had ill will or hatred. by the way, zimmerman has not even testified yet so his credibility is really only in question as to the statements he's given we heard on tape. >> but he told sean hannity he had never heard of stand your ground. if this professor is to be believed, is there no chance that's true. that's why -- not about him getting an a, about him getting an l for being a liar. that would be the prosecution. next one. i say that -- get -- back on this one, danny. i say that as the prosecution, that your theory, george zimmerman, that it was when trayvon martin grabbed your gun you were forced to use it, there are no prints on it, so how could he have grabbed it?
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it doesn't make any sense. there's not enough of your dna on trayvon martin to make the point he was beating you down, and on top of you the whole time, as you explain. you say? >> i say number one, if we're going to talk about fingerprints, fingerprinting is a technique, not aseason. there's virtually no way to apply any science to any print, how long a latent print will stay on a surface, especially one like a gun. number two, dna deteriorates. there's substantial evidence here number one it was raining and number two, it was not preserved in a way so as to make this dna evidence reliable. it's true, dna evidence is tremendo tremendously reliable evidence when it is applied correctly. however, if the samples are not preserved and if it's not tested properly, the perfection of the science never comes into fruition, i say. >> also, that's a good one. also, a very confusing them barry schneck always says, the
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master of dna and the law. absence of evidence is not evidence just because you don't have evidence something didn't happen, secondarily, zimmerman says he was grabbing for the gun and maybe he never got it to. maybe that heightened hisself defenseness awareness. before we condition with i say-you say. if zimmerman's school records are relevant, does that mean trayvon martin's school records are relevant? quick answer on that? >> it's a different relevance standard, right? candidly, there's a strong argument that zimmerman's school records were never relevant because even if you tend to believe that it gives you an idea about his state of mind that night, we have a rule called 403 or whatever the applicable state rule is, that even if you believe that that goes to his state of mind that night, the potential for prejudice from showing that evidence is so high that it should be exclude. o'mara has made that argument. however, some observers say in high profile trials there's a
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tendency toai err on the side o letting evidence in. there's a strong argument to be made maybe this is improper character evidence. o'mara has maintained and probably true, the only thing that matters is what was in this man's mind the minutes, maybe half hour before this incident. let's be candid. if i were held to be aware of everything i was taught in class, i would be the biggest liar on the planet because i don't know that i remember anything from school. >> right. that's because you got out of school a long time ago and this guy didn't. right? he was still studying. >> a long time ago -- >> i get your point. danny cervallos, you're better looking but i give it to me because i have flags on my tie. what do you think about this? remember to tweet us, be on facebook, use the #new day, what do you think? ups and downs.
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once again because everybody is saying the prosecution had a big day, trials go back and forth. we don't know what the jury is believing. that means you have to believe this could go either way. this trial still isn't over even if the prosecution's case is about to end. there's no testimony today. when they start again tomorrow, the fact zimmerman's gun was loaded, had a bullet in the chamber, the prosecution will play to that and trayvon martin's mother will be coming up on the stand soon and bring home and remind everybody this is about a young man losing his life who didn't have a gun on him that night, george zimmerman did. kate. thanks so much. coming up on "new day," stunning evidence in the case of former nfl star aaron hernandez. we will tell you about the secret apartment police have uncovered and what they found inside. there is unbelievable video to see. a woman falls on the tracks a split second before the train arrives and incredibly, she's survived without a scratch. how did that happen?
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♪ ♪ unh ♪ ♪ hey! ♪ ♪ let's go! ♪ [ male announcer ] you can choose to blend in. ♪ ♪ yeah! yeah! yeah! or you can choose to blend out. ♪ oh, yeah-eah! ♪ the all-new 2014 lexus is. it's your move.
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the all-new 2014 lexus is. hey, thanks for stopping by. you know, i've followed your character since the first episode. i'm a big fan, big, big fan... thank you. listen, your storyline makes for incredible tv drama. thing is, your drug use is very adult content. too adult for the kids. so, i'm gonna have to block you. aw, man. yeahh... well. have a good one. you're a nice lady.
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♪ ♪ you're asking for it! you got it. >> bruce can sing it but this woman can bring it. welcome back to "new day." >> that is a good line. >> it's thursday, fourth of july. i'm chris cuomo. >> i'm kate baolduan. we're doing it. what else do you want to do on "new day"? what other statutes do you want to bring in? lets to go ove-- lots to go ove. damning evidence for former nfl star aaron hernandez. what they found in his secret apartment that will not help this is murder case. a sinkhole and driver able to climb out and all caught on tape. an incredible rescue coming up. first, met's get to michaela for
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the top news. >> a new in ter rum president has been worn in as mohamed morsi and his senior advisors are now under house arrest. 32 people were killed in violen violence. and there are concerned about a backlash about former president mohamed morsi and the muslim brotherhood. what could send shock waves through baseball. close to a deal with the man who worked at the clinic including major league ers who were using performance enhancing drugs and the players denied taking enhanced substances. a new law about transgender childr children. this bill would allow children as young as kindergarten to play on girls or boys sports teams as well as decide which bathroom to go to.
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supporters say it would protect children from bullying but opponents say it would make other children uncomfortable. a woman falling onto the tracks just as it rolled into the station and rolls over her. somehow she managed to survive and fell into a deep groove between the subway rails avoiding an impact of the rushing train. as if that's not enough, she walked away unscathed telling people she just felt tired. women have wanted this for some time, barbie getting a real girl makeover, check it out. the left one is classic barbie, 36-18-33, measurements unattainable and on the right, what barbie would look like for the cdc measurements for a healthy woman. 32 inch bust, 31 inch waist, 33 inch hips. critics have long complained the
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original barbie is an unrealistic image women cannot keep up with. >> i give it the clap but they don't have to measure alone. leave the numbers alone. >> are you working on it? >> yes. >> amazing how different what is real and what barbie has looked like for a long time, how different that is. >> how long her limbs are. >> legs. >> legs going forever. they do. >> another story we're watching very closely, the case against former nfl player, aaron hernandez, getting more complicated now. he remains behind bars charged with murdering a one time friend. police have uncovered potentially incriminating evidence. a twist no one expected. >> interesting twist. remember how many times we saw police searching through that really big house of aaron hernandez. seems that was not his only place. what they found in his other home, another apartment, might connect him even further to this
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case. a 37 page search warrant released wednesday might be piling on the evidence against former new england patriots star, aaron hernandez. evidence not found in his multi-million estate but a two bedroom apartment in franklin, massachusetts, 19 miles from his home, only discovered after interviewing an associate of hernandez, carlos ortiz. the documents reveal they found two items of clothing. a white hooded sweatshirt, matching the one hernandez was wearing in this photo obtained by boston tv station whdh and in surveillance video the night of the homicide. and a blue and cranberry colored baseball cap matching the one hernandez was reportedly wearing outside a nightclub. the documents also say three different calibers of ammunition were found in a bedroom night stand. ortiz told police on the night after the incident, he and hernandez stopped by this apartment location. >> i love you, aaron!
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>> reporter: but despite all this, hernandez still has some supporters, including some women who are speaking out on twitter with tweets like, aaron hernandez is too sexy to be in jail for life. and i don't care what aaron hernandez did, he is still sexy. >> the reason women may be tweeting that he is ex -- sexy, is many of them are attracted to the bad boy image, this somehow makes him more macho, so women fantasize that he isn't capable of a murder, for example, because he's so handsome. unfortunately, looks are deceiving. >> let's leave that aside. i'm not sure about that. let's talk about the evidence here. also found in the apartment, a valet ticket from a hotel, which was just walking distance from the club where hernandez was reportedly seen the friday before the incident. also, a black hummer was parked outside the apartment complex and a set of keys to the vehicle were found inside.
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in this, several t-shirts with the number 81 on them, the same number hernandez wore for the new england patriots. i should say we have reached out to his attorney for comment. >> it seems the trouble keeps piling on. >> a lot more evidence from the second residence, interesting. >> good to see you. we will take a quick break from "new day," when we come back, unbelievable video. car trapped in a sinkhole, driver okay, but unbelievable video. our very own personal statute of liberty at least the next couple of hours as "new day" celebrates the fourth of july with you, live in technicolor.
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welcome back to "new day," everybody. holy toledo. it's a whole new meaning when you see this video. toledo, ohio, a sinkhole swallowing this car, the driver inside. how did it happen? let's get to zane asher for this. it could have been terrible. >> they had to use a crane to rescue 60-year-old ayman ayman -- amanda knox. she came okay but others have not been so lucky. >> reporter: it was a terrifying scene, a sinkhole suddenly opening up in the middle of a busy street in toledo, this chefr lay malibu swallowed in a hole 10 feet into the earth. the driver, 60-year-old amanda
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mosq knox trapped beneath the concrete. slowly, she was able to work her way out to safety. surprisingly knox was not hurt but taken to the hospital as a precaution. what caused this sinkhole? authorities suspect a whater break below. it's the string of accidents. over the past few months there have been several cases of sinkholes opening causing incredible damage. one in orange county, florida, that sucked a man from his home and killed him. his brother talked. >> couldn't get him out. i tried so hard and tried everything i could. >> reporter: in jackson, mississippi, a 6-year-old boy had to be rescued after he rode his bike into a sinkhole. >> the child probably thought it was water and on his bike and going to splash through it. it was a gaping hole and the bike tefell down and the bike i
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gone. >> it's expected to take days. sinkholes are still relatively rare despite horror stories despite places like texas and we all know about florida. >> can you imagine what that woman was thinking climbing out of -- that ladder, coming out of the road. >> it took her four hours to be rescued. >> really? >> at least she was. that's why people get upset. one thing when a water main breaks. are you building something unsafe? should we do better and know more about it? >> downtown toledo. thank you so much. coming up on "new day," the fast food wars heating up. a look at some of the new belly busting items. that make you hungry in the morning? including this, burgers, bacon, pretzel, nothing wrong with that. fourth of july coming up and we'll bring it to you live, of course.
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here to take your lettuce from drab to fab with lean cuisine salad additions. just byol. first, thaw your dressing. next, steam your grilled chicken and veggies. then, dress it. add your crunchy toppings. and voila. enjoy. [ male announcer ] a family that vacations together, sunscreens together. find a hilton everywhere you want to go with rates as low as $109 per night. book now at
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all right, alec baldwin on what the greatest thing on life would be for him. that revelation coming up. uh, i don't know what's happening. "start a new chat." what did i do? ok. wow. that is so weird. hello! hey! hi! hi! oh, my gosh. hi. god. i don't even know what to say
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right now, i'm so nervous. gia, you're so big! come closer to the camera. wait. now you're in my face. gia: bye! woman: love you! alex: that was so good.
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i have been waiting all day -- for what? nichelle turner. >> happy 4th, guys. our number four story on the
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4th, kerry washington got married to another celebrity without anyone even knowing. in fact, nobody even knew they were dating. she married san francisco 49ers corner back. they kept it under wraps. at the white house correspondents dinner? they were both there but they kept it under wraps. martha stewart just gave martha stewart a pay cut. she's now only going to pocket $108 million. a year from her own company, something tells me she's going to doing just fine. to number two, the situation needs a hug. anybody want to give him a hug? maybe somebody can just give him a shirt. the "jersey shore" star lost his lawsuit against abercrombie & fitch. a and f offered to pay him
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$10,000 if he would stop wearing their clothes on the reality show. then the company came out with this t-shirt that said "the fit-uation. you know it is bad when somebody wants to pay you not to wear them. let's get to our number one story this morning. this is going to be popping at your holiday barbecue, believe me. alec baldwin has quit twitter, everybody. >> no. >> but he could also quit acting. that's the question. will he do that? remember his twitter outafter his wife was accused of tweeting during james gandolfini's funeral? now he says he'd like his soon to be born child to never know he was a public figure at all and "quitting acting" would be the greatest thing in the world. >> he doesn't mean that. he is very talented. sometimes his emotions get the best of him and he says things he shouldn't have said and he he usually knows it.
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>> don't we all have those days every once in a while? >> i never say that. >> when i find out me and ted turner have a family history? i'm quitting. one president steps down in egypt, another already in power. what we know about the new president. and, the fast food wars get hard core. the three of us literally took a bite. a brand-new burger for your lunch money. it has bacon, which already is a plus. >> the pretzel bun? no joke. no joke zplimpblts. >> hungry, anyone? >> lady liberty. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, like me,
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and you're talking to your rheumatologist about trying or adding a biologic. this is humira, adalimumab. this is humira working to help relieve my pain. this is humira helping me through the twists and turns. this is humira helping to protect my joints from further damage. doctors have been prescribing humira for over ten years. humira works by targeting and helping to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms. for many adults, humira is proven to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira , your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common.
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tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your doctor if humira can work for you. this is humira at work.
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here's the music for you. good morning, everybody. that music means it is time for "the rock block," a quick round-up of the stories you will be talking about today. >> let's rock it. first off in blogs and newspapers today, business insider oregon looking at plan that doesn't require students to pay for college up front. instead they'd pay 3% of their salary for 24 years after their graduate. a new study publish in the journal neurology, any age reading, writing or brain stimulating activities help had you hang on to your memories. in the "chicago tribune," actor vince vaughn wants to be your landlord. he's looking for a townhouse in chicago. guess what the rent is? $9,500. >> that's a lot of money. zain asher here with the business news. >> investors anxiousry waiting
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for tomorrow's big june jobs report, one of the best predictors says 188,000 jobs were created last month, that's on the high end of expectations. also fireworks sales are expected to be brisk and if anything like last year, that's a lot of bang for the buck. $320 million was spent for displays. $645 million was spent by consumers. and expect to shell out $60 for your july 4th picnic. the farm bureau says the cost of hot dogs, chips, potato salad with come to $57.20 for a party this year. >> $60? that's in "zain." help us, chad meyers. >> look at this! look at the clouds here across new york. you hope they stay in today. muggy. that's just humidity. heat index in new york city, 199. maybe 103 in boston.
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it has been a great couple of days for heat in the northeast because it has been raining in the afternoon. today it doesn't rain, it just gets hot, and it gets so muggy have you to be careful out there. nobody in cars at all. be careful for pets, kids. tallahassee, two to three inches of rainfall. high temperatures in the west, death valley, 114, scottsdale, 110. it is the top of the hour which you know means it is time for the top news. we are never going to conceal to military rule. we are not calling for a military coup. >> breaking this morning. crisis point. egypt has a new president after a military takeover. the new question -- will there be a civil war. foggy fourth. flooding fears across much of the southeast but in the rest of the country, it may be a beautiful holiday. and there she is, lady liberty. opening today for the first time since hurricane sandy.
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live at the statue's base helping you kick off your fourth of july with a patriotic bang. your "new day" continues right now. what you need to know -- >> clearly trayvon martin was trying to get away from george zimmerman. >> -- but you just have to see it. this is "new day." good morning, everyone. welcome back to "new day." it is thursday, july 4th. 8:00 in the east. i'm kate baldwin. >> i'm chris cuomo. >> our patriotic symbol back open today for the first time since super storm sandy soak liberty island shores. so many others. this is a day to celebrate all the comebacks people are going
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through, so. many people still in a hard way. remember that this holiday. absolutely, and we hope you're hungry. the fast food war for your wallet is heating up with fancy new menus and gourmet creations. we even tried one. we'll let you know how wendy's pretzel bacon cheeseburger holds up. the anticipation growing for the royal baby. we're live in london where preps are under way for the royal bundle of joy to arrive any day now. and our kate gives us a look at her new royal documentary. let's get to the big new story of the day. a new interim president is sworn in, latest step in the mill take takeover of egypt. egypt's former top judge with, adli mansour is the country's choice to take over from ousted president mohammed morsi. morsi and his advise remembers now under house arrest.
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>> cnn's live team coverage continues. reporters in cairo, the white house and of course, christiane amanpour here in new york. let's begin with reza sayah in cairo. >> reporter: chris, it's very likely that many americans are looking at egypt saying what's going on here, didn't they just have a revolution? didn't they just boot out a dictator? that's true. but in many ways this is the ongoing fight for egypt's identity. if you've never been here, what's fascinating about egypt, its diversity, moderates and liberals who love their beaches, bikinis and beer. then the islamists. liberals didn't like it. they started a campaign to push them out. mish is accomplished and now mohamed morsi is in custody. this morning, after an explosive turn of events, former president mohamed morsi is under house arrest. the military ousted him wednesday night after he refused
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to meet their deadline to form an interim coalition government and revise the constitution. droves of military convoys flooded the streets of egypt's capital propelling the nation on a road toward change. general abdel fattah al sisi announced that adli mansour, the head of egypt's highest court, will replace morsi as interim president. while the military coup was met with cheers in tahrir square, across the nile river, supporters of the deposed president chanted "down with the military," and the square has a million marchers denouncing his ouster. messages sending ripples throughout this country that's already seen death and bloodshed since the huge anti-government protests began this past weekend. back live here overlooking
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cairo's iconic tahrir square where there was a massive party, it is very likely they'll be partying again today, chris, not celebrating, of course, mohamed morsi, the muslim brotherhood leaders, many of them detained. at this point it is not clear why. >> reza, please, stay safe. president obama says he is deeply xwer lly concerned about situation in egypt. he is pushing the egyptian military to restore things as soon as possible. >> this is the situation the white house is closely watching. egypt is a key ally of the u.s. in the region. the biggest country in the arab world and a country the u.s. wants to see stable. after meeting with his national security team late wednesday, the president put out a statement saying he was deeply concerned about the military's decision to oust morsi. morsi was, of course, a democratically elected president and also the military's decision to suspend the constitution. he said, "i now call on the
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egyptian military to move quickly and responsibly to return full authority back to a democratically elected civilian government as soon as possible through an inclusive and transparent process and to avoid any arbitrary arrests of president morsi and his supporters." of course, we now know from former president morsi's supporters that he is under house arrest. but one thing that's notable in the president's statement there is that he did not call this a coup. in the instance of a military coup, u.s. law dictates that aid to egypt -- in this case, $1.5 billion a year -- must be suspended. he didn't say it is a coup but they are going to be looking at the law on this and continuing to monitor the situation. kate? >> athena jones at the white house, thank you. let's bring back in christiane amanpour one more time to talk about the way forward and what this means. cnn's chief international correspondent and of course, host of cnn international's "am"am anpour."
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looking forward, you were the last person to interview hosni mubarak. morsi coming in said he would be the president of all people. >> that's exactly right. that's why people are in the streets because they don't believe he was president for all people. he said to me there is no such thing as islamist democracy but clearly that's what the people are saying. what you've got here is the toppling of an islamist president who forced through what many people said was an islamist constitution. you've got millions of people in the streets who said, no, we don't want that. it is really a battle between secularism and islamism, but combined with the fact that morsi didn't deliver. so the government's incompetence is what led to this point, as well as a historic antiislamism from a significant portion of the egyptian public. >> you've also spoken to a military general who said going forward it could be some nine to 12 months before we get these elections in place. so what are egyptians facing in the interim and from this perspective, what is the u.s. looking for in the interim? >> i think the united states and
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all partners have to be very, very proactive on the interim government and on their partners in the military and make sure that this does move forward, that it is not another 17 months like we saw after the fall of mubarak of military rule because whether or not this is technically military rule, it certainly is organized, orchestrated by the military. whether they want to call it a coup or not, the first democratically elected president of egypt has been toppled, ousted, whatever you want to call it, he is out with no choice of his own. so i think you have to be very careful sort of umbrella arrest warrants are being put out for the muslim brotherhood, some 300 people. you don't want to see a ba backlash. they closed down certain television stations. you don't want to see that kind of stuff. >> what does this say when you broaden it out and how important egypt is to the region and to the u.s., what does this say to other fledgling democracies or countries that were trying to push toward democracy? >> i think it does say this is a
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very difficult process, emerging democracy, as always, is fragile. what you do have in egypt is a one-party system. you have the muslim brotherhood was the party when the others were mubarak's party and the military. they formed another bloc. what you need now are opposition political parties, you don't have. those millions of people in the streets are not yet a party. they have to form parties and maybe there will be some sort of counterweight in this interim period to the muslim brotherhood and that's what's going to be shown, hopefully, when there are new elections. but for the u.s., it's so vital. that's why we're paying so much attention to it. egypt is the building block for the united states and for the whole region in that critical area. >> what makes it very complex -- and fareed made this point -- as we are moving forward and the military is coming in to try to bring some order and move back to democratic elections, the muslim brotherhood, they haven't gone home. they're still there and they're angry. >> well, they are angry. they have cloaked themselves in
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the legitimacy of zmt elections. the truth is they overplayed their hand and what they did is move too far towards a base of islamists and their own muslim brotherhood base. yes, people will dissect this for a long, long time. political scientists, all of us looking at how democracy works, will be really examining this test case. they did overreach. on the other hand, they were democratically leaked. >> so ironic to be talking about this on american independence day. >> it really is. obviously egyptians want freedom, liberty and independence. i tell you something really interesting. lady liberty who you're going to be introducing, has told me that the first place bartoli wanted to put the statue of liberty was in the suez canal in the 1800s. that's egypt. so it is a very interesting anecdote for the day. >> very interesting to watch throughout the day. christiane, thank you so much. >> they didn't get the statue but hopefully they do get the freedoms right there. back here at home, picnics and parades, beaches and barbecues.
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all great ways we want to spend the fourth of july. but will lady liberty be upstaged -- don't worry about us? ignore it. look at that guy. being rude to the whole family. >> i love you, bruce. >> best looking man on the set. come on. that's okay. it's just tv. >> chad meyers, what's going on with the weather? >> the best dressed floor director in the business, right there. i hope i have the liberty to give you a good forecast here. i want to go with one of your jokes. from tallahassee back to pensacola, you'll have to be in and out of a shelter trying to keep everything dry. new york, boston, d.c., baltimore, the warmest day in a week, at least. 94 boston, but it feel like 103. 88 in new york city but it is going to feel like 100. believe it or not, it is going to feel 5 degre25 degrees warmew york city than atlanta.
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114 in las vegas. about 111 in scottsdale, arizona today. it is going to be hot, wet and hot depending on where you are in the country. but at least we have a couple of good days worth of forecasts for the weekend. we'll take a good weekend. have a good 4th. >> thanks for spending your 4th with us. we're having a lot of fun here but there is a lot of news as well. good morning to you both. let's catch up. in arizona, memorial is planned next tuesday honoring the 19 firefighters killed in the line of duty. those men all members of the very same elite hotshot unit. meanwhile, their fellow firefighters finally getting an upper hand on the yarnell hill fire. it is now 45% contained. families forced to evacuate their homes could be allowed to return home by the weekend. texas lawmakers are set to vote again on a bill banning most abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy and limiting where they can happen. a state house committee just approved the restrictions and it is expected to go to the full house for a vote next week. north carolina state senate has
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also approved a bill restricting where abortions can take place. the state assembly there considers it next week. a boston man has been charged with trying to rip off one fund boston, the charity established to compensate boston marathon victims. this 22-year-old was arrested after accepting a fake check for more than $2 million on behalf of an aunt who's been dead for years. he pleaded not guilty to the charges of grand larceny and identity theft. what started out as a school board meeting ended in a profanity laced shouting match. now the embarrassing altercation, of course, has gone viral. this all happened in spring valley, new york. a mother and frequent school board critic was speaking about her special needs child when a private lawyer for the board apparently started smirking. that quickly turned into a screaming match that continued outside into the parking lot. >> you're still smirking at me. please. >> oh, would you please shut up. for christ's sake. >> you really need to get out. you need to get out.
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>> shut up, [ bleep ]. >> that did it. >> that's it. that's it [ bleep ] you, you [ bleep ]. >> oh, yeah. we had to [ bleep ] thbleep tha. the board will discuss the meeting next week. it's about the kids. crazy to think that adults can misbehave so badly. this is my favorite story. love is patient, love is kind. adrian gardner spent a minute on bended knee. she's working. rips off three -- i think three doors' worg. finally she sees him and she dropped to her knees. oh, my. a trampoline accident almost left her close to life in a while chair just a couple of weeks ago so this makes this story even more beautiful. they hope to marry next year. he was probably like, could you please hurry up because i'm on
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my knees? are you avoiding me on purpose? >> she was so focused on what her job was. >> congratulations. >> very good. it is a special fourth of july because, as we've been saying, and i would like to say it again -- the statute of liberty is set to reopen this morning after being closed for eight months. it was closed during super storm sandy and it's been a battle to get ler back. a battle for a lot of people still struggling to recover after super storm sandy but today is the day. cnn's pamela brown is on lent island for us. >> reporter: hi, kate. gorgeous day out here as you see the sun illuminating the statue of liberty. park officials scrambled to make sure that the island re-opened today, that the patriotic symbol was open to the public on independence day. 15,000 poeople expected to arrie on the island throughout the day. they'll be the first visitors here in eight months. lady liberty is once again ready
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to face the masses, yearning for a closer look at one of america's most iconic figures. >> it's a big thing in new york. >> it lit the way for us to have a better life and it is important that my children be able to see, experience and understand that. >> reporter: hurricane sandy forced lady liberty's closing just a day after her 126th anniversary. while the statue itself emerged unscathed, storm surge sucked almost three-quarters of liberty island leaving bricks ripped up, docks destroyed and debris everywhere. the statue had just re-opened the day before the storm after a year of renovations. cnn got rare access inside for the re-opening all the way to her crown. the trek up a steep 377-step narrow spiral staircase leads to spectacular views high above new york's harbor. the 305-foot tall statue was a gift from france symbolizing the
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friendship between the two countries and their shared love of liberty. dedicated in 1886 after ten years of construction, more than 3 1/2 million people worldwide flock here every year. park officials worked around the clock to make sure the island re-opened just in time for this independence day. >> coming here and seeing visitors from all over the world standing out in front with tears in their eyes, or excitement, because she's not only our statue of liberty, she's the world's statue of liberty. >> reporter: a first round of visitors will arrive here on the ferry in just about half-an-hour from now. visitors will be able to stay on the island through 4:45 this afternoon. now even though the island is reopening, it is still a work in progress, still a lot of construction taking place here. ellis island nearby is still closed and it will remain closed for the foreseeable future. by the way, we are told that tickets to the statue of liberty today are all sold out.
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no surprise there. >> no surprise. everyone wanting to get in on the celebration. pamela, thank you. coming up next on "new day," can a newburgher or new taco make you rethink your fast food allegiances? come on, people! the three of us bonded as we needed to bond anymore over a new wendy's burger and it fared well in the battle for our taste buds but can it make a dent in the fast food war? deep thoughts. >> deep thoughts. fromburgers to hot dogs. traditional fourth of july eat-off is on but maybe a snag. a 270-foot snag will be on coney island. we're talking juwith lisa here. about the walmart low price guarantee. that's your receipt from another store? yup! let's put it to the test. ok. nothing says all american like... bbq sauce! yes! you know if you find a lower advertised price they'll match it at the register. nice! brats for? we're grilling out! you'll love this walmart's always working to lower costs so you get more savings.
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oh my goodness! ok you ready? i'm ready... whooa. that's incredible! that's the walmart low price guarantee backed by ad match. bring in your last grocery receipt this 4th of july to walmart and see for yourself. aren't always the most obvious. take the humble stevia plant, with a surprising secret to share: sweetness. truvia sweetener. zero-calorie sweetness, born from the stevia leaf. from nature, for sweetness. [ male announcer ] a family that vacations together,
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sunscreens together. find a hilton everywhere you want to go with rates as low as $109 per night. book now at this is my computer? this is your computer. let's go on the internet. let's go. click it? yes. ok. i cursor in between the r and the e. when i say dot, i want you to just push the period. she's going to love me all over again now. that's it! jamaica here you come! here we go. all right. good job. thank you. thank you. i did it. by myself. feel smarter.
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welcome back to "new day," everybody. happy fourth of july. of course we want to be everybody to be healthy, live better lives. but be honest -- every once in a while you like a little fast food. my favorite -- a milkshake. there, i'm out. kayla is here to tell us how fast food companies are at war spending billions to make sure i can get my shake or you can get thatburger from their store. >> they are indeed.
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it is supposed to be a treat. isn't that the idea ? do you you want it fresh or think outside the bun in fast food restaurants have been coming up with slogans and gimmicks for years to keep us hooked on their food. but the fast food wars are now amping up as companies are coming up with grand new recipes to get consumers saying "i'm lovin' it." put up your dukes or your forks. americans spent more than $100 billion last year to eat fast food. now the companies dishing it out are competing to get a bigger bite out of your wallet. >> it really is a war. it is a war because the united states is literally filled to the brim with restaurants. there are a number of both privately held and publicly traded companies that are all competing essentially for the same customer. >> reporter: it's new menu items that are driving traffic which is why restaurants are adding them fast and furiously.
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>> fire-grilled. >> reporter: burger king is beefing up its summer menu with a bk rib sandwich. mcdonald's is offering three near quarterbacks, the cludelux ranch and bacon and cheese. competing with more sophisticated palates, thanks to the food network and health conscience consumers -- >> the goal is to show i've got a great product, i've got something new for you, i've got something tasty for you, i've got something for you in a pleasant environment. >> reporter: for this reason you see quick service chains introducing both value priced and more innovative culinary items. it is called a barbell strategy. think taco bells dorito's locos taco line cutting costs? but offering better fare. now wendy's is looking to top everyone with its pretzel bacon cheeseburger. we decided to take a bite. >> so here it is, the latest contender if the fast food wars.
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the wendy's pretzel bacon cheeseburger in all its glory. >> the good folks at wendy's sent them over for us. i feel like we need a drum roll, please. >> there's bacon, it can't be bad. >> ooh, it's warm. >> that's outstanding. >> there is nothing wrong with this. >> this is a problem. >> this is a problem. wendy's, we love you and hate new equal parts. >> the bun makes a difference. >> big difference. >> i like the pretzel bread. i like the thickness consistency of it. people are so anti-bread these days. really good. >> there's nothing wrong. you can add bacon on anything. i could put a little more of the sauce. mine's drippy, just the way i like it. here's my question -- is this too many good things at one time? >> never. that's what life's about. >> we'll be right back.
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coming up next on "new day," the fourth of july. hot dog eat-off is on and it is a sign of coney island back in business after super storm sandy. but, parts of the amusement park will be off-limits today.
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sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic ends sunday. experience the pressure-relieving comfort of tempur-pedic, and sleep risk-free with sleep train's 100-day money back guarantee. get 36 months interest-free financing: no down, and no interest for 3 years. plus, get free same-day delivery. sleep train's 100-day money back guarantee, interest-free financing, and free delivery?
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that's the ticket! sleep train's ticket to tempur-pedic ends sunday. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ welcome back to "new day," everybody. it is thursday, july 4th. happy independence day. happy birthday, america. chris went outside to fire up grill. >> we should be afraid. >> i am always afraid when chris is manning the grill. but we're going to do it anyway because we love him. we are going to go live to coney island shortly. historic park is bouncing back from super storm sandy ready for today's famous hot dog eating contest. but, there could be a very tall and dangerous snag standing in the way. but before we get to all that,
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first some of the other top news headlines. egypt under military control with a new interim president now in place. the country's former top judge has been sworn in to replace ousted president mohamed morsi. former president morsi and his senior -- senior advisors weare we're told, under house arrest. let's go live to cairo where karl penhaul is standing by. karl. >> reporter: we're overlooking tahrir square. last night this was the scene of jubilant celebrations after the military ousted president morsi. by some accounts, up to a million people packed into this square celebrating the event with fireworks. and this morning even we saw military jets overflying the square and setting off smoke plumes, the colors of the egyptian flag, to try to convince the people the military is really on the people's side.
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as you might see now, only a few stragglers left in the square. crowds have basically gone home. there are a number of events happening there on the sidelines. we saw the swearing-in ceremony of adli mansour, the country's top judge, now the interim president. he hasn't given us so far any timelines when fresh elections could be held. >> coming days will be very telling, karl penhaul there reporting for us. evidence appears to be piling up against former patriot aaron hernandez. police searched an apartment that he apparently rented, found there bullets from the same caliber gun used to kill his one-time friend. authorities also found a hoodie sweatshirt that seem to marriage what hernandez was wearing the night lloyd died. hernandez pleaded not guilty to murder charges. the federal cuts known as the sequester are extinguishing fireworks activities as a number of military bases this year.
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the money krurncrunch is a big o morale especially with those service members with children. prosecutors expected to rest their case against george zimmerman friday. court is dark today in honor of the fourth of july holiday. opponents of nsa's surveillance program are taking to the streets in protest on this independence, restore the fourth demonstrations happening across the nation. president obama will spend the fourth of july celebrating with military heroes. they are having a barbecue at the white house. that includes a concert and some fireworks. chowing down on coney island. joey chestnut goes for a record seventh straight victory in the nathan's hot dog eating contest. last year he ate 68 hot dogs and buns in ten minutes. joint chiefs chairman general martin dempsey performs the national anthem at tonight's washington nationals game. if that's not patriotic enough, neil diamond day beauting his new tune, "freedom song" at the
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game. be sure to go to for the latest. for many on the east coast the fourth of july will be a little different this year. super storm sandy did serious damage to many of the top summer vacation spots on the east coast. many still struggling to get back to holiday. cnn's jason carroll is in coney island, new york with with more. they may be struggling but they are fighting to get back. right? >> they are trying but they are definitely struggling out here today. here's the reason why. behind me is the astro tower. that's the problem out here. it's been closed since 2010 but earlier this week folks out here noticed it was swaying in both directions about 18 inches so they had to shut down a safety zone around the park. that means a lot of these vendors may not be open in time for the holiday. big disappointment to the vendors who have been trying to get back on their feet ever since hurricane sandy. coney island, a sight of
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contrast. then, and now. here's what it looked like after super storm sandy flooded it with ten feet of water last october. bumper cars buried in sand, arcade games underwater. and the nearly century-old wonder wheel in jeopardy. was there at any point a fear that you might lose the wonder wheel? >> it did scare us a little bit. i got to be honest. >> reporter: dennis owns the wheel, and other rides, and he took us on a ride on the wheel now refurbished. >> the salt got into all the electrical replays, switches, circuit breakers. they all went in the garbage. as we get up here, i don't know how comfortable i am talking about all the things you had to fix. >> reporter: coney island's business owners feel they can laugh a little more now because, some say, business is back. >> i think not only -- it's like a minimiracle in our time. >> you think people will get the message to come out here on the 4th? >> they're already coming out here. >> reporter: but drive down shore to seaside heights, new
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jersey, signs of destruction very apparent. still a work in progress. is that what you would call it? >> absolutely correct. >> reporter: seaside's mayor says work is still under way on the boardwalk's total $9 million renovation. the roller coaster long gone but the boardwalk is open for business. the biggest challenge -- >> getting the message out to people. >> new jersey's governor getting the word out. >> get down here over the fourth of july weekend to be able o support the businesses. >> reporter: welcome news to steve waylan who owns this arcade. >> we're open, we're back, we're ready for you. >> reporter: so the businesses are ready. the question is will the astro tower be ready in time for things like the wonder wheel to open. at this point it is shut down. also, you know this famous ride here, the world famous cyclone. for now, kate, that is shut down, as well, as a safety precaution. as you've been teasing all morning long, the hot dog
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eating contest is still on. beaches are open. these businesses look forward to fourth of july like christmas for them so they encourage everyone to still come out and enjoy the day. >> fabulous, jason, go take your chances at the arcade and bring me back something. next on "new day," first dame love, then came marriage. that's how it goes. right? now the world is waiting to see what is in the royal baby carriage. we rhyme on "new day," yes, we do. the latest on will and kate's baby press. it took us nearly three weeks, but finally an ann murray sighting here on "new day." a very special independence day edition of john berman, "new day." ♪ ♪
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[ male announcer ] some things are designed to draw crowds. ♪ ♪ others are designed to leave them behind. ♪ the all-new 2014 lexus is. it's your move.
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"new day." happy fourth of july. royal baby watch is in full swing. the duchess of cambridge could give birth at any moment. media and well wishers already camped outside the hospital where she'll be giving birth. cnn's max foster is live in london with with the latest. what do we know, max? >> it's all starting to happen. royal mint has just told me that they are going to issue commemorative coins special silver pennies for all the babies that are born on the same day as the royal baby. we are really getting a sense now of what it is going to be like and everyone wants to be part of it.
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are the royal baby possibly due any day, and the spotlight of the world's media fixed firmly on this hospital, final preparations are taking place both inside and out. everything is set. this is where william needs to park where the duchess goes into labor. parking for non-residents has been banned outside the entrance for the whole of the month to avoid any delays. and opposite -- camera positions. more than 150 from around the world so far. a patchwork of tape and ladders. the sex of the baby, though, will be announced here at buckingham palace. a piece of paper, a notification will be placed on an easel in the middle of the court there and it will be the official notification to the world that a new prince or princess has indeed been born. >> people want to see a beautiful, happy couple have a beautiful baby. >> it's going to be the next ruler of a major power in the
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world. >> reporter: what we still don't know is whether it will be a king or a queen one day. max foster, cnn, london. >> reporter: also lots of guesswork about the actual due date. people speculating it may be before mid-july which is the only thing we've been told on record. that really goes back to a conversation that kate's gynecologist had over the weekend saying he'd given up drinking in preparation for the birth. also people looking back to how diana handled this. she always kept people guessing, never gave an official date. everyone is ready just in case, chris and kate. >> everyone is ready. you had the entire floor crew going kate's going to -- i'm going, no, guys, this is the duchess. thanks for the clarification, max foster in london watching and waiting for the royal baby's arrival. we are now all waiting in anticipation for the royal baby of course. but it wasn't too long ago when we were looking forward to the fairy tale wedding of the duke and now duchess. i actually traveled around the
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uk recently for a new cnn documentary to reflect on the royal couple's journey from theal tar to their coming parenthood. here is a sneak peek. >> reporter: it was the moment the world had been waiting for. the most talked about courtship of the century. after a decade long romance, kate middleton and prince william finally tied the knot in a fairy tale wedding. thousands watched outside the church. middleton family friend john haley was sitting in the front row. >> i was four foot away from everybody from the queen, prince phillip, charles, all the royal family and it was just amazing. >> kind after pinch-yourself moment? >> it was. you knew they were coming because the roar came through the abby. you could hear it from outside. and then when kate and her dad come in, wow. that was just -- sent tingles
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all through your body. it felt like a wonderful country wedding. >> reporter: lady eliz gettiabe sitting just rows behind her cousin, queen elizabeth. >> huge amount of love in the church which actually just happened to be a royal wedding. >> reporter: a royal wedding that would mark a new era for the british monarchy and a new way of doing things with william and kate breaking tradition almost every step of the way. >> they did everything themselves. whatever can pi they wanted, whatever flower, that was all chosen by them. i think that's the first time that's ever happened in the royal family. >> reporter: westminster abbey is where it all officially began for the duke and duchess of cambridge. billions watched as william and kate married here back in april 2011. and almost immediately after the couple said "i do," the speculation began -- when would
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the next royal baby arrive. people can stop asking that question soon. they say it is mid-july but we're always guessing they gave kind of the outward date. unlike a wedding, we cannot plan when a baby comes but for the documentary we went to where kate grew up in the english countryside. then we went to where they met at school in scotland, where they are now in wales. >> when the baby comes everybody will have all these questions, you'll have the answers. >> it was great look at their journey to where they are now. >> often first babies are early, are they not? >> i've always heard they're late. but like i know. one of them is true. let's go with that. we will find out. good luck to them. don't want to talk about it too soon because you just want the baby to be healthy and happy. >> all the best to them. from the good news we are waiting for to the good news we have already, today's edition. 19-year-old johnny agars,
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self-proclaimed sports nut, he also happens to have cerebral palsy. over the past 19 years johnny and his dad jeff have competed in countless marathons and races, thousands of miles, each time jeff pushing johnny. but not this time. >> dad's done so much for me, i thought i should give him a break. >> during a recent race half-way through the 5k, johnny ditched his wheelchair and started walking under his own power toward the finish line for the first time. that's a mile and a half. every tep of which was a struggle for this man. the pain clearly visible on his face. johnny told his mother had he a bigger reason than himself for wanting to finish. as he neared the finish, the growing crowd behind him nad very clear. >> before he ran the race, he said i just want to do this so i can inspire at least one person. to see all those people behind him was really, really amazing.
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>> it was really quite touching for me, too, to see everybody behind me and the whole place was behind me. it was awesome. >> it was awesome. he made it. changed his life and so many others along the way. look at him. a true champion. it doesn't get any more than that, where it is about sports, about life. beautiful. >> accomplishment. what a rock star! >> right? >> that's awesome! >> just great. >> we love you! >> thank you for doing that, thank you for giving us some of that good stuff. we want to hear about it more. >> i say that every morning but i feel like every morning i need a little bit of it. zblefr day we will agive it to you here on "new day," with your help. give us the stories that are going on like johnny's in your life. >> coming up still -- on this "new day," find out why this epic firework fail is finally getting the attention it deserves. john berman is here to explain.
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favorite firework. sparklers? >> i like to just see them from afar. i don't really have a favorite.
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there is the theme music. you know what that means -- it is the time of the morning john berman is here to give us his "new day" award of the day award. >> it is a special day. it is a holiday. today we are going to acknowledge the countries with
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the top national celebrations in the month of july. in third place, france. they have best field day. july 14th. this is a good one. basically celebrates a jail break, there is a big military parade. way to go, france. third place. in second place -- canada day. this was july 1st. as far as i could tell, there are no traditional ways to celebrate. >> it is about community and celebration. >> do you do anything in particular. >> we eat, get with friends. >> i searched online, i couldn't find much information. i still put it in second place because i find the mystery surrounding canada day rather alluring. also, i love ann murray. in first place, july 4th, independence day -- look, we have the best fireworks! >> ever. >> san diego. >> that was new york actually. this it was san diego last year. it was either the best or worst fireworks ever depending on how you look at it. that is a pretty big bang.
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>> didn't they all go off in like two seconds? >> besides fireworks, we have the most patriotic dogs. have you ever seen a dog with a maple leaf? i do not think so. >> i have not. >> we have these dogs. finally, we have the best picnics. check out this tortoise eating its traditional fourth of july watermelon. happy fourth of july, everyone. so america, you win. congratulations. the best fourth of july award award. we are the only country with a real life statue of liberty. you don't have anyone dressed up as the space needle in toronto, do you? >> no, i don't believe people walk around dressed as a space needle in canada. >> well done, berman. what's the fourth of july without a little barbecue action? you know that's where chris cuomo will be. we're firing up the grill. the "new day" grill and getting
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some tips on how to make the best independence dayburger from jackson hole restaurant chef jack ramiro. 're always stopping is because i have to go to the bathroom. burger from jackson hole restaurant chef jack ramiro. i worry i'll have an accident. be right back. so today, i'm finally going to talk to my doctor about overactive bladder symptoms. [ female announcer ] know that gotta go feeling? ask your doctor about prescription toviaz. one toviaz pill a day significantly reduces sudden urges and accidents for 24 hours. if you have certain stomach problems or glaucoma, or cannot empty your bladder, you should not take toviaz. get emergency medical help right away if your face, lips, throat or tongue swells. toviaz can cause blurred vision, dizziness, drowsiness, and decreased sweating. do not drive, operate machinery or do unsafe tasks until you know how toviaz affects you. the most common side effects are dry mouth and constipation. [ susan ] today, i'm visiting my son without visiting every single bathroom.
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[ female announcer ] today, talk to your doctor about toviaz.
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hey, everybody. welcome back to "new day," fourth of july special guest for you, mr. adam sandler. good friend of mine here. what are you doing here today? >> just got back from africa. first stop was to see you. seriously. 20-hour flight or something. just got here. >> got your beautiful kids with you. you're coming by, you smelled the burgers. >> we just saw a man with big handsome shoulders and we said we got to see that up close. >> you got a movie coming up? >> yeah, but we can talk about america today. america, good place, happy birthday. >> you are a great example of a great american. thank you. adam is on his way to the gym to play basketball, one of the best basketball players standing next to me right now, everybody. adam sandler. good luck with the movies. ladies, take care. everybody gather down here
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because it is the fourth of july. adam and his kids are taking off. we have the hamburgers and hot dogs going on. one of the best places in new york to get them, jackson hole. michael, great to have you here. thank you very much. everybody feeling all right? you you been staring at burgers here? lady liberty took a hot dog. we had a little bit of a tussle but she put it back. she's back in character. you realize when you speak it throws off the entire thing. that's what's going on down here. this is the place to be. >> we're waiting to get done with the show so we can come down and make us a burger. we'll be down there in a little bit. >> adam sandler just showing up. it is the "new day," effect. everybody just comes. lady liberty comes. >> save a burger for us. >> happy fourth of july, everyone. we'll see you guys tomorrow. that's it for "new day."
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carol costello takes it over with "cnn newsroom." >> i cannot believe she holds her arm up for that long. >> you did great. >> i only wish that adam sandler had sung the hanukah song but we can't have everything. >> wrong holiday, carol. >> i know! but i love that song. thanks, to all of you, have a great fourth of july. happy birthday, america! what a gift to the country. the statue of liberty. the real statue of liberty back open this morning after being closed since sandy. plus, sinkhole survival. a 60-year-old woman being rescued from a 20-foot-deep sinkhole that opened up and swallowed her entire car -- with her in it! also, what could arguably be the symbol of the george zimmerman trial -- trayvon martin's hoodie, front and center in the sanford courtroom. and chaos and cairo, to the front steps of the white house, amid protests and power grabs,
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the u.s. ambassador to egypt become being the symbol of what critics say is obama's failed egypt policy. "newsroom" starts now. good morning. thank you so much for being with me. i'm carol costello. happy fourth. what a better way to celebrate independence day than starting this hour with an amazing picture. lady liberty. she's back open this morning after being closed eight months. the huddled masses are coming back but they better come with tickets. passes to get into the crowd sold out until nid august. today's opening follows a massive restoration project that was completed one day before sandy hit and damaged liberty island. we'll have a live report for you in just a few minutes. in our nation's capital, washington gets set to host a


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